Beauty and Cruelty
Beauty and Cruelty
Words: 62,000
Genre: Fairy Tales, Fantasy, F/F
Format: Print & Electronic
Sexual content: Some
Rainbow Awards 2016 Winner!
Summary: Cruelty, once an evil fairy and now working in fast food, comes home one day to find the lazy, drooling King of Cats on her doorstep. Worse, he comes bearing news Cruelty would be happier not hearing: Sleeping Beauty has gotten tired of lying around and is trying to save the world Cruelty left long ago.
Any respectable Archetype knows it’s a waste of time; their chances of survival are much better if they can hide in the human world. But since nobody sent her an invitation to the world-saving, she’s pretty much required to interfere.
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Awards for Beauty and Cruelty
Rainbow Awards 2016
Reviews for Beauty and Cruelty
“I don’t often call a book brilliant anymore. This one, however, deserves it. […] It’s a story that asks big questions, about truth and identity, choices and change. And it’s so incredibly well-written, you don’t even notice what is happening until you find yourself thinking about it, about the characters’ answers and about your own. […] Technically solid, entertaining, thought-provoking, this is what I’d call Literature with a capital L. […] An incredibly clever, insightful, well-crafted story of startling originality. A pleasure to read from start to finish.”
– Elisa Rolle, Reviewer and host and owner of the Rainbow Awards.
“I picked up this book without much expectation. I wanted a fun read, saw “lesbian fairy tale,” and thought, yes please. Then the book turned out to be so well written and so philosophically interesting.”
– Annabeth Leong, Goodreads reviewer
“After reading this book the question I asked myself was, is this A very good true fairy tale being told, or, A good very true tale, being fairly told?”
– Christine Close, Goodreads reviewer