“How Saeter Robbed the Underworld” – Now available!
I can’t believe it’s already out: How Saeter Robbed the Underworld is now available, as of, April 24, at 7 pm EST.
I put a lot of my favorite things (and hopefully yours too!) into this M/M novella:
- A fantasy-mythological setting loosely based on Norse mythology
- Cute demigods with feelings firmly in It’s Complicated territory
- A shape-shifting trickster
- A daring rescue
- Found family feels
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Check out its page on this site
Read an excerpt
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Less Than Three Press ❤ ❤ Barnes & Noble ❤ Bookstrand ❤ Smashwords ❤ Kobo ❤ iTunes
(If you’re not American, it should also be available from your local version of the online retailers!) -
New! Available for Pre-Order: How Saeter Robbed the Underworld
I’m super excited to announce that my latest novella, How Saeter Robbed the Underworld, is now available for pre-order with Less Than Three Press! A mythological romance between a trickster demi-god and the son of the God of Love—what complications could there possibly be?
♥ Enter the giveaway on Twitter ♥ Read an excerpt
♥ Get a15%40% discount when you pre-order!
(Regular preorder sale + publisher anniversary sale = big savings!)
The day before his coming-of-age ceremony, Eirik has a fight with his best friend—who had pointed out that, adopted by a pair of traveling warriors as Eirik was, how can he know who his ancestors are to celebrate them? Embarrassed and angry, he’s not in the mood for the story his fathers insist on telling him.Despite himself, however, Eirik becomes engrossed in the tale of the son of the god of Love who has never felt pain, and the son of the god of Envy who always does, how they struggle with each other and their community, and how, ultimately, they trick the underworld out of a very special prize.
(Don’t forget to add to your Want To Reads on Goodreads)
Smoke Signals – Now Available!
Happy book birthday to Smoke Signals, which is now available for purchase! This story is a light-hearted m/m urban fantasy involving a dragon who hoards games, and the put-upon millennial Customer Service Rep who finds himself in charge of taking care of the dragon’s digital collection.
I put a lot of my favorite things in this one:
- A fluffy kitty cat
- Cooking show marathons
- Knitting
- Video Games
- More video games…
- … that feeling like you definitely bought more video games during the most recent sale than you’ll ever get around to playing but the prices were just so good…
- And dragons, obviously!
Where to purchase:
Less Than Three Press ❤ Amazon ❤ Barnes & Noble ❤ Bookstrand ❤ Smashwords ❤ Kobo ❤ iTunesFor sites with non-US versions (Amazon, Kobo, iTunes) it should also be available on your local version.
If you enjoy it, it would be rad if you would leave a nice rating and/or review on Goodreads and/or Amazon! It seriously makes a huge difference in helping other readers find it.
Thanks for all your support! Happy reading!
Empty Vessels – Now Available!
I’m delighted to announce that Empty Vessels is now available for purchase! A young man that sees monsters, the ghost that keeps him company, and the weird and haunted world of Others that he finds he needs to help protect. Possessed dolls, faceless ghosts, bone girls and horned boys, and things that go bump in the night.
If you like:
- ghost boys
- young adults developing a better relationship with their psychic powers
- cryptid-like flirty deer spirits
- nifty antiques
- a critical look at the possible supernatural reasons behind bad bus etiquette
- monster kissing
- navigable mindscapes
- spooky dolls?
…this might be a book for you!
Where to purchase:
Less Than Three Press (ebook) ❤ Less Than Three Press (Print) ❤ Amazon(ebook) ❤ Amazon (Print) ❤ Barnes & Noble (ebook) ❤ Bookstrand ❤ Smashwords ❤ Kobo ❤ iTunes
For sites with non-US versions (Amazon, Kobo, iTunes) it should also be available on your local version.
If you enjoy it, it would be wonderful if you could leave a nice rating and/or review on Goodreads! It absolutely does make a huge difference in helping other readers find it.
Thanks for all your support!
- ghost boys
Empty Vessels out tomorrow!
Empty Vessels (m/m/m paranormal!) releases tomorrow! Now’s the last chance to get it at preorder prices!
If you like:
- ghost boys
- young adults developing a better relationship with their psychic powers
- cryptid-like flirty deer spirits
- nifty antiques
- a critical look at the possible supernatural reasons behind bad bus etiquette
- monster kissing
- navigable mindscapes
- spooky dolls?
…this might be a book for you!
Preorder here before tomorrow’s release (Nov 21 at 7 pm EST) for 15% off!