News and Announcements
Rainbow Awards 2016
I can’t possibly begin to say what this means to me. I got this news while I was on the way out the door to celebrate my 10th anniversary with my fiancee (which is one of those things that, if it happened in fiction, would be totally hard to suspend belief on, you guys), and I actually cried with joy. It’s so, so incredible to me that my first book was this well-received and I’m still more or less incapable of finding the words for it.
Congratulations to all the other winners and runners-up as well*, and please know that so much of the joy I feel is for you too.
In celebration of their placing authors, my publisher, Less Than Three Press, is holding a sale until midnight on December 9 where all the placing books are on sale for just $0.99. That of course includes Beauty and Cruelty, which is a full $6 savings. (EDIT: NOW OVER and back to regular price) . Please check it out—along with all the other winners, naturally! Beauty and Cruelty can also be purchased on Amazon. You can see details on it, along with my other books, on my Books page.
Thank you so much to the Rainbow Awards judges for this honor.
*At the time I put this link up, the URL directs to the contest-hosting page, but it should shortly be updated with the full list of winners as announced on Elisa Rolle’s blog and Twitter.
Queer Zombie Stories!
Hey friends! This is just a reminder to check out Less Than Dead, Less Than Three Press’s Halloween anthology of queer zombie stories. One of my stories is in there: Only Human, a story about a nerd boy who gets cursed and has to go see a necromancer to get it treated—where he meets the necromancer’s hot (but very dead) receptionist.
The stories in this anthology span the lgbtqa range, from funny through tragic through action, horror and romance mixed. You can still get it through the publisher’s webpage for the special preorder price of 15% off until around 7 pm EST tomorrow (October 25), when it releases!
Cobbler’s Soleless Son release!
The Cobbler’s Soleless Son is out! Hurrah! The Novels & Short Stories page has been updated with the brand new amazon link, and the Less Than Dead anthology preorder added!
One month to go!
One month left until the release of my upcoming book, The Cobbler’s Soleless Son! It’s a trickster/fairytale style story (and a bit of an erotic romp) starring a bisexual young man with a crush on the local (genderfluid) demon prince, who decides to trick his way into to the demon-only ball to try to get the prince’s attention.
Release date is August 23, and ordering before then gets you 15% off–so only $1.69!
Queer reads in the Rita Awards 2016!
Congratulations to:
Alexis Hall (whose Glitterland I reviewed here) for winning the Erotic Romance category with For Real!
Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy for winning the Contemporary Romance: Mid-Length category with Him!
Both are m/m stories and I’m looking forward to reading them. 🙂
And of course, congratulations to all other winners, listed here.
Edited to add:
Last year, the Rita Awards included The Saint by Tiffany Reisz, where both the male and the female protags were bi. Check that out while you’re at it! Congrats again to all winners, and thanks to the Rita Awards for including queer romance both this year and last.