News and Announcements
Hair to the Throne – Last chance to Preorder!
Hair to the Throne (Pandemonium 3) comes out tomorrow, so now’s your last chance to preorder it!
The city of Flecton is ruled with an iron fist by Demon Prince Vehr, whose human citizens suffer under demonic enslavement and live in fear of her ever-watchful presence. The prince herself is never seen, living in her underground palace and sending demons to kidnap skilled humans to serve her.
Ten years earlier, Merle’s best friend and closest confidante Abeille, a promising silversmith, was taken to Vehr’s palace. Now, Vehr seeks a hairdresser, and Merle has exactly the skills she needs. Surviving the hairy situation will take more than wits—it’ll take good people to rely on, old friends and new.
You can also enter the LT3 Goodreads Giveaway for it (or any of the other July releases).
Pandemonium #3 Available for Preorder!
The city of Flecton is ruled with an iron fist by Demon Prince Vehr, whose human citizens suffer under demonic enslavement and live in fear of her ever-watchful presence. The prince herself is never seen, living in her underground palace and sending demons to kidnap skilled humans to serve her.
Ten years earlier, Merle’s best friend and closest confidante Abeille, a promising silversmith, was taken to Vehr’s palace. Now, Vehr seeks a hairdresser, and Merle has exactly the skills she needs. Surviving the hairy situation will take more than wits—it’ll take good people to rely on, old friends and new.
I’m so very excited to announce the upcoming release of the third Pandemonium book: Hair to the Throne! This new entry to the series will feature a reckless hairdresser and her very stressed silversmith friend as they grow closer while attempting to escape a terrible city ruled by a worse demon prince, with the help of a sympathetic cubant.
It is available for preorder from Less Than Three Press. Preorder to save 15%!
Word count: 28,000
Categories: Fantasy, Lesbian, Trans
Release Date: July 4, 2017, at 7pm EST -
Release: Behind Bars
I’m so excited to announce the release of Behind Bars, a story set in the same world as the Cobbler’s Soleless Son, about a widower who hates demons having to work with one when his son ends up in danger. It’s part of Less Than Three Press’s My Dearest Enemy collection, so check it out if you’re in the mood for Enemies to Lovers!
Where to purchase:
Less Than Three Press in ebook and in a print omnibus with Cobbler included ❤ Amazon in ebookand print
❤ Barnes & Noble in ebook and print ❤ Bookstrand ❤ Smashwords ❤ Kobo ❤ iTunes. For sites with non-US versions (Amazon, Kobo, iTunes) it should also be available on your local version.
If you enjoyed it, please consider leaving a nice rating and/or reviewing on Goodreads! I can’t possibly overstate how much it helps new readers find my books.
Thanks, and I hope you have fun reading!
Behind Bars print version now available to order
3 more days until the release of Behind Bars, the second book in the Pandemonium series! Pick it up in ebook format along with the Cobbler’s Soleless Son—or nab both together at the same time in the print omnibus, Barred Souls, now available for preorder !
One more week!
Just one more week until the release of my new book, Behind Bars! Available for preorder in ebook edition at 15% off! (Print edition will be available soon too, with The Cobbler’s Soleless Son included).