Release: The Cybernetic Tea Shop
Please welcome The Cybernetic Tea Shop, a story about a robot girl who is stuck in the past and a lady mechanic always moving on into the future.
Where to purchase:
Less Than Three ❤ Amazon (Kindle)❤ Barnes & Noble ❤ Bookstrand ❤ Smashwords ❤ Kobo ❤ iTunes (including non-us iTunes) ❤ Overdrive ❤ Scribd
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Release: Beauty & Cruelty
Please welcome Beauty and Cruelty, a story about Sleeping Beauty and the evil fairy banding together to save their world by changing the meaning of their story.
Where to purchase:
Less Than Three ❤ Amazon (Print)❤ Amazon (Kindle)
❤ Barnes & Noble ❤ Bookstrand ❤ Smashwords ❤ Kobo ❤ iTunes (including non-us iTunes) ❤ Overdrive ❤ Scribd
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