Halloween 2024 IF,  Interactive Fiction

Halloween I.F. – “Something Rich and Strange” – Day 16 – BREAK DAY

Heeeeeey all, I hate to do this two days in a row, but I got some very bad news today (yeah, separate from yesterday’s stuff) — one of my cats is sick and we got some pretty bad health news about him. I’m currently processing it and learn about our next steps to maintain the best quality of life for him, and I expect to be able to write tomorrow, but unfortunately all my brain power is going into this today. But I have some great ideas around your suggestions and I’m looking forward to writing it.

Day 14 turn-in for suggestions is extended to the usual time tomorrow once more (so Oct 17 at 3 pm PST) so anyone who needs the time to catch up, go for it! If I need to go a day or two into November to wrap things up, I will, so don’t worry about that either.

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