Halloween 2019 IF,  Interactive Fiction

2019 Halloween Interactive Fiction – Instructions

It’s that ‘choose your own adventure’ time of year again! My yearly Halloween Interactive Fiction begins tomorrow. It’s gonna be spooky, gonna be queer, and gonna be driven by you!

Here’s how it works:
Tomorrow (Oct 1) I’ll put up the introduction to a story that should set the stage. Then, you leave a comment to the post with a suggestion for what the character should do next! You’re an invisible audience shouting things at the screen–but the things you’re yelling will help influence the character’s actions. Examples of what suggestions might look like: “Examine the mirror” or “break the vase” or “Don’t give up!! Think about your family!” Get your comments in by no later than 4pm PST the next day. Then, between approximately 5pm-9pm PST, I will put up the next part of the story. A new post will go up every day until Halloween! To be alerted when the post’s gone up, make sure to add your email to the “Subscribe to blog” form in the sidebar.

(If contradictory actions are suggested by different people (“Break the vase” and “take the vase with you”, for example), I’ll decide based on what’s suggested more and/or more in line with the protagonist’s established personality. In general, you can suggest whatever you want, even if it isn’t relevant. For example, “what do you look like, though?” could be a suggestion just as much as anything else—feel free to use your comment to learn more about the character(s) as well as advance the story.)

I need you!
This structure only works if people participate, so don’t be shy or worry that your contributions wouldn’t be useful. It’s open to all and I’m looking forward to everyone’s comments! Even if you’re repeating someone else’s suggestion, that just makes it more likely for that thing to happen. You should only comment on the most recent post that’s up at any given time, but don’t feel like you have to be there from the start to play, just make sure you’re caught up on what’s happened so far.  If you want to dip your toes in and read a little about how this works first, feel free to check out the previous Halloween I.F. games I’ve run.

Let’s get started – your first comments!:
Comment to this post with some character names! I will try to use them within the story.

As well, I’m still finalizing the story I want to write, so if there’s anything you want to see, let me know! That’s vague, and you don’t have to answer this part if you don’t want, but if there’s something you’re hoping for — more of something I did in a previous year, less of it, a particular sort of mood/tone, let me know! Some examples could be: “scary for halloween” or “don’t scare the pants off me” or “give me a flamboyant spellcaster” or “just please no more nerds”.

This story is likely to be primarily f/f (I mean, depending on how you steer it; protagonist is likely going to be bi), with soft cryptid girlfriends and uncanny monsters, ladies and gents and enbies alike. It’s going to be set in the same world as Uncanny Valley, 2017’s story, but you don’t need to have read it before this, all premise will be in the story itself. The mood will likely be a little spooky, a little unearthly (though this may vary if anyone has a strong ask).


(The small text: I reserve all rights to this work. If I eventually get this published in any form that requires me to take this version down, I will send copies of this online version, with comments left intact, to everyone who contributed suggestions, if I am reasonably able to get in contact with them.)

♥ Meredith

[Completed parts: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | Day 15 | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | Day 23 | Day 24 | Day 25 | Day 26 | Day 27 | Day 28 | Day 29 | Day 30 | Epilogue | Author’s Notes/Story Q&A]


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